Games and sports are classified by 3 verbs: play, go, do. PLAY We use the verb play when we refer to sports in which a ball or object is used. EXAMPLES - Baseball, hockey, badminton, criket, basketball, soccer, Golf, football. - Can you play tennis? GO This verb is used with sports that have the ending "ing" like skiing and snowboarding. EXAMPLES - Wrestting, scuba diving, aseiling, runing, skating, fishing. - I go cicling on sundays. DO The verb do we use it to talk about individual sports that do not fit in the other classifications, or also for mixed martial arts. EXAMPLES - motocroos, fitness, taekwondo, yoga, judo, dance. - I do parachuting. PLAY GO DO RUGBY SWMMING KUNG FO RACKETBALL BOXING MUAY THAI CHESS ROLLERBLADING KARATE GOLF CLIMBING GYMNASTICS PING PONG BOWLING YOGA TENNIS SURFING T...